SAVIC Technologies

Equal Opportunities Policy
Equal Opportunities Policy

SAVIC is committed to promoting equal opportunities in employment and to providing a working environment that is free from discrimination, harassment and victimization. This policy applies to all aspects of employment including recruitment, training, promotion, pay and conditions of work and termination of employment.

The aim of this policy is to ensure that all job applicants and employees are treated fairly and with respect, and that employment decisions are based on merit and ability.

Policy Statement:

SAVIC is committed to equal opportunities and will not discriminate on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion or belief, political belief or membership, or trade union membership.

SAVIC will take positive steps to ensure that individuals are treated equally and not disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be justifiable.

SAVIC will monitor its employment practices to ensure that it complies with its equal opportunities policy and to identify and remove any barriers to equal opportunities.


SAVIC will ensure that all employees are aware of the equal opportunities policy and are expected to comply with it in their daily working lives.

SAVIC will provide training to managers and employees on equal opportunities, to help ensure that they understand the policy and how it should be applied.

SAVIC will ensure that any allegations of discrimination, harassment or victimization are taken seriously and will be dealt with promptly and fairly in accordance with the company’s grievance procedure.

SAVIC will regularly review its equal opportunities policy to ensure that it remains relevant and up-to-date.


SAVIC will implement this policy by:

  • Ensuring that job advertisements and recruitment procedures do not contain any discriminatory language or requirements.
  • Ensuring that all employees are made aware of the equal opportunities policy.
  • Monitoring the implementation of the equal opportunities policy and taking action to address any issues that arise.
  • Providing training to employees on equal opportunities.
  • Encouraging employees to raise any concerns or issues they have with regard to equal opportunities.
  • Regularly reviewing the equal opportunities policy to ensure that it remains effective.


SAVIC is committed to promoting equal opportunities in employment and creating a working environment that is free from discrimination, harassment and victimization.

By implementing this equal opportunities policy, SAVIC aims to ensure that all employees are treated fairly and with respect, and that employment decisions are based on merit and ability.

How to contact us if you have any questions:

If you have any questions about this Policy then you can contact online via mail