Mendix: Low-code Application Development Platform

Mendix is the fastest & easiest low-code platform used by businesses to develop mobile & web apps at scale. Visit to learn more & try the platform for free!

Create applications that deliver an impact today

Mendix is the Low-Code application development platform that allows you to go live sooner and get to success faster.

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Anyone with an idea can make powerful applications

Mendix is the only platform that empowers both business and professional developers to make apps that get to value sooner.

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Cloud-native. Massively scaled. Freely deployed.

Our modern architecture is ready to make every app that matters.

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Mendix: Low-code Application Development Platform

Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Low-Code Application Platforms.

Low-Code Development Platforms For AD&D Pros

Magic Quadrant for Multiexperience Development Platforms.

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